coZ nobody s reading this thing, i believe.... well, with the amount of posts i do, i DONT think that very surprising.... but i dunno what to write bout?????!!!!!!!?????????
anyways , here i am in NID (supposedly the best design school in the country) doing a Post grad course in Film n Video Communications course ... its an aweSOME place to be - to learn, to unlearn, to create, to grow..... but do i deserve to be here ?????? well, NOT in my opinion, i believe that every1 has a limit or an eXtent to which one can grow - the potential, as we know it... & one is NOT only doing injustice to another student who might be more capable of being in such a place but also to oneself - its NOT a help, coZ every1 has to grow in a certain path - certain way coZ every1 has to rise from a diff level, coZ we all are different with intellect & aptitude for diff areas & it WONT help the person if he or she is put in a gr8 place jus for the heck of it (without any aptitude for it) & that s y reservations DONT work, as in, if a person is capable enough to be in a place - (s)he will be , they WONT need any help of any sort & if (s)he is NOT then that person is just wasting the resources - coZ that s NOT what (s)he should be doing.... a gr8 place is NOT a gr8 place by the virtue of gr8 ness but coZ of the output of ppl it has.... so even a so called "mediocre" institution is also gr8 if it actually is able to teach ppl in there... if there is a considerable growth in the learnin & understandin of the particular area after a student is over with the course.... but that leads to another point that the level of learnin of each student from an institution is very different & thats surprisingly weird coZ they are being taught the same stuff by the same faculties with the same resources... but that is also pretty obviously simple when u consider the fact that it is the student who has to learn & NOT the institution which has to feed as in the onus is & should be on the student.... so there is one group of students of a batch who would love the place & come out happy & satisifed by the amount of learnin etc while there will be another which cribs.... there might be places n times where the cribbin is justified but majorly most students crib without even taking even a partial advantage of the available resources which again shows the students interest leve & intllect level (compared ot the basic level of others in the institution the open ness to learnin & the belief of the student that the person CAN learn somethin of use from the place(if in the first go only u consider it a fact that the place sucks, then it will be like that)
coming back to the point of me feelin that i DONT deserve to be in this place.... does it relly help to be with so many other geniuses ???? well, i DON T think so, coZ though the kind of ppl u with really does affect ur own thinking but then the potential aspect comes into play....
well, i think its already too long so will write bout it the neXt time round........
so long.........
1 comment:
i dunno wht kinda coincidence is it tht both ur posts tht i am replying rite now, ae so much a part of my own thinking...
just today i was talking the same thing to some1, as to whether we deserve to b in such a place!!!
when i see the gr8 ppl arond me, the amount of knowledge they have, the level of works done, the standards set by the earlier ppl, the expecttaions tht are laid on u by every1 around u, the place whr an institution stands thanks to the gr8 ppl it had and has...
it scares the hell out of me and sets a shiver down my spine everytime....
this was a place i dreamt to study for i guess last 3 yrs, mayb coz i had heard so much abt it tht i was already in the love and yes the awe of it... but, when i come to think on whether i deserve to b here, the answer i get from my conscience is always a big NO...
when i look back to my life, i dont think i have ever done anything so gr8 or so different, i guess the competition is not with ppl around me but yes with myself and as u said even i thought tht there is a level upto which an individual can b stretched...
i have my own limits and anything in this world wont help me to become a genius coz the relaity being tht i am not...
but just today thr was an incidence tht helped me change this thought to a certain point...
mayb it might sound boring and u can avoid it easily... if u want...
we are doing a course on typography these days, whr we were expected to develop a particular form. i hav been working on it for 5 days now, the first 2 days were the worst, it broke me every min coz i was reaising every moment tht i am not going anywhr, i was stuck badly and i was so sure i cant take it ahead...
i knew it always tht i dont deserve this place, but at tht moment the thought in my mind was only tht i cant do it, i aint capable of it and nothing can help me extend...
i was so low, mayb shattered to some extent and frustrated with myself to have being here in this gr8 institute... i knew tht thr were 230 ppl who had applied fo rme and i was amongst the 10 selected...
i was feeling guilty for being here, for the other 221 ppl who were much more capable than me..
the next day we had a discussion with faculty on our progress, he didnt teach us anything (coz thts the system here, we r expected to learn on ourself)...
we were just talkign things, and thos etalks opened me to a totally new way of going ahead on the assign.... n today i can proudly say tht after burning my ass badly i have reached a stage in tht assign tht i am satisfied of my trials atleast...
but talking of all this on a biger scale, it helped me also to relaised tht many a times we think we have a certain level of growing, a level upto which we or our knowledge and capabilities can be extended, but we forget tht thr is much more to ourself tht we havent explored yet...
thr r gr8 ppl here who r helping us each day in some or the other way to relaise whr we can extend and whr we cant...
i guess NID is not about making geniuses but about making individuals....
today i am in a lil peace after spending 4 months in this insti mayb coz today i felt tht yes even i have a lil scope for extending...
but yes the fact tht i think i dont deserve to b here is always thr...
i had told this to u b4 and just repeating it....
we have gone thorugh a lot of tests to reach here, mayb gr8 minds have tested us in different ways and they cant go wrong (and u CANT fool them) i am sure we might never have the confident to say tht we deserve to b here, but i guess we have to be confident about the fact tht few gr8 minds think we deserve thi splace so thr has to b a reason...
and have faith in our own self...
about institutes making individuals, about ppl cribbing, about ppl making use of resourses,...
i guess its always a problem with the goal aimed!!!
a person who stays in huts, doesnt have electricity studies under street lights and makes it big in life but at the same time a rich mans child would do nothing in life...
faculty, resources, problems are all just lame excuses to justify the fact tht u r not giving ur 100% to the work... to ur own conscience...
i belive a person can cheat,lie or hide things from any1 but he/she cant run away from their own conscience...
whtever u sya or do, u have to answer urself...
i guess its time when we learn to make the best out of the itme we have go tin such a gr8 institute...
mayb leaving aside the fact of whether we deserve it or not, but thinking tht we have got this opportunity so lets do our best and be true to our own consceince...
about whether we become like the other geniuses or not, its upto the future which no one can predict...
about U deserving the place, i guess i know quite a lot of ppl here already and i know quite a lot abt ur batch...
TRUST ME if u can... u deserve to b here....
i dunno if u r one of the geniuses or whr u will reach tomo...
all i know u r making the best of this opportunity and just continue doing so...
miles to go b4 u sleep...
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